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 for 2024

Click on Photos for Booking Links

Our Host Hotels: *Our hotels will never call, text or email you, if anyone contacts you claiming to be from a MCACN hotel, hang up or delete.  Room and Parking Rates may change without notice; we will not be responsible for changes in pricing after this printing.

NOTE: The City of Rosemont also sells parking passes for passenger vehicles for the Williams Street Garage parking lot. Price TBD.

*Our Host Hotels will never call you or send you a text message or email to request your credit card or solicit you to book a room.

If you ever receive a call or text message or email requesting this information, please hang up or delete the message immediately.

If you wish to book a room, please contact the Hotel's ONLY at the numbers or booking links listed above-Thanks!

Also, the City of Rosemont and our Host Hotels Reserve the right to change rates for rooms/parking.

Please double check the rates before you book.

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